Monday, October 16, 2006

Of Sense and Sensibility

This weekend was crazy busy, so when I sat down to knit, I didn't have the attention span to work on Serrano as I've already discovered that I have to be in peak condition to count to seven over and over and over again.

But I also have issues that I'm trying to reconcile in my mind so that I will love my sweater once again. The pattern isn't symetrical. I want each section of the body to independently contain a series of pattern repeats, I don't like the continuous pattern. I'm seriously playing with the idea of using some blocks of st. st at the underarm seaming area to cater to my sensibilities a bit, but I don't know if I will like this better. I just think that lack of mathmatical perfection is going to grate at me (boy would Mr. Noffsinger be ROFLHAO right now-- I flunked his geometry class, hand to take it over-- of course I got an A when he wasn't standing in front of me, but I digress).

Anyway, between trying to decide if I would like big hunks of anti-lace while achieving logic, or if that would bother me more, I keep looking at the yarn and seeing cables. Oh, what a temptation to use the designger's schematic and insert cables......................

Which is why I'm working on something different for the most part (though I know not what that will be), until I fall off the Seranno fence and can commit to a single path.


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