HEY! I resemble that remark.
I take a bus into work, what can I say, I'm cheap and parking is premium near my office. Anyway, being the creature of habbit that I am, I take the same bus every day and so it's come to the point that the bus driver and I talk-- wow- I guess he's almost a friend, what a concept.
Today he was a bit vexed by his girlfriend. She is a student from China and in enamoured with Western fashion and designer labels. Apparently often at the end of the month she is frustrated because in order to pay her half of the bills she has to forgo an amazing Prada bag or a pair of wonderful Itallian leather shoes (I know, I'm not up on my Sex and the City enough to remember the name).
Now, I bet, many like me are thinking "Thank God I am not a label hog". Don't lie. But then when I'd gotten off the bus and walked for a bit it struck me that I am. I swoon at the Lily Chin collection, I adore the Vogue sections that highlight Koors, DNKY and their ilk and I know practically every designer attached to my creations. And that's only the knitting. I also sew the designer patterns and I do look for certian names when I purchase them.
The only difference between me and our fashion victim? Skill. Yeah, I go for the quality and the namebrands with no less fanaticism as she does, but I have a bit of know how behind me so I can take what the designer visualized and make it my own. Sure I don't pay $6000 for a dress, but I've paid over $100 for yarn to spend hundreds of hours of my life (and even at minimum wage even that would be a small fortune) and there are people who would look at me with the same disbelief as I internally visualize myself looking at this woman. Most of the same people who wouldn't groove with designer lables, also wouldn't be down for huge segments of their lives sucked in to the clothes they wear-- and they certianly wouldn't pay more for yarn or fabric then it would cost them to purchase an ensemble at Walmart.

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