Monday, November 06, 2006

Video Games are good?

I have never been a go-to-the-store-to-buy-a-costume kind of girl and I've never let the kids take the easy, comercial route either. My son also seems to love Holloween enough to start thinking about it in, oh, February or so. This year he didn't just tell me that he wanted to be a vampire or a ninja and we didn't just make up the costume based on a pre-fab charecter. No, this year the boy brought me a picture and told me that that was his costume. It was apparently a composite of several of his favorite video game heros plus a few twists and turns of his own.

Thank goddness he does come up with these things in plenty of time to figure out just how to make it all work.

With the help of duct tape (and yes, the residue did wash off the pants-- finally) some form board and a bit of luck, we nailed the costume and he was very happy with it. Who knows if this creativity will result in something lucrative and enjoyable when he gets taller (because do we ever really have to grow up?) But I like the start that we have. ******It took an hour to straighten all that hair, enjoy, for it won't happen ever again.**********

the girl has convinced me the her life will be enhanced by reptiles and we are going to be extending our family by one skink in the near future (after she reads up on them a bit). Who could say no to that facination?

On the knitting front: Once upon a time, there was a girl who had learned to crochet when she was 9. Had known how to sew forever, but the stars and the fates had not yet determined that she should get the knack of knitting. This girl loved to make her own clothes and loved sweaters, so, in a fit of delusion, she created not one, but many crochet sweaters. Many out of worsted weight yarns. Now it took her far too long to realized that crocheted lace makes beautiful sweaters, but if one is trying of imatate knitting, well, that's just crazy talk. So she was left with monstrosities such as this.
Which begged the question of what to do with such crap? Obviously, she couldn't give these to the charity stores because it would be a crime to humanity to offer up shit to someone with less taste and dicernment then she had previously possesed (though maybe she could heve eventually found her items on the truly clueless celebertis on Go Fug Yourself, ummmm, yeah, she'd rather not) and being the cheap wench that she was, the garbage wasn't happening either. So what was left to do but to take these finished monstrosities to the frog pond. And lo and behold she found such destruction to be cathartic, so much so that she's got plans to do it again.

Now if she could just get the 400 some odd stitches of the front band worked and bound off, she might just have a new, fabulous sweater to show.............


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