Could this Prevent the Boyfriend Sweater Curse?

My son has been asking me for years to knit him a sweater. He had one when he was younger that he wore to death. But have you ever tried finding a suitible boys sweater pattern for a boy who is older then 6? (or one that out grew that age when he was 4?).
Imagine my excitement when I discovered this year that he was able to wear men's sizes. Out came all of the man sweater patterns that I've been hoarding. And let me tell you, gone is that child who would wear anything I threw at him. He disliked some patterns for being too plane, some for having too many cables. Some he didn't know why he didn't like them, he just didn't. He wanted blue, but he didn't want a pure blue, a sky blue, a pale blue, a bright blue or a purple-blue. By the time we had settled on a sweater, one could have been knit (and how many times I thought I'd drop this project in favor of one of my own, I'll not say.)

And it will be interesting to see if he's a bit more inclined to desire hand knit sweaters from romantic interests as he matures, or if this expereince alone has scared his knitting aquisition desires for life.