Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Fine! Take it.

My baby sister has a nasty tendancy for asking, both directly and indirectly, for anything, everything........ I choose to believe that it's a subconcious tick that has developed through years of financial hardships, regardless, she can't spend 10 minutes in my house without suggesting that she would make better use of something that belongs to me then I do.

There are some items that she's become quite tenacious about. (and if I ever get robbed or loose everything in a fire I can count on her to provide the inventory). Some she doesn't stand a chance in hell of ever prying out of my grasp, while others she will recieve in due time (yes, I know, I enable-- but I'm a purger too, it serves my purpose.). For at least a year one of the items she has repetatively told me she's going to lift from my house is yarn, not just any of the stash, but a particular yarn which I've told her she'd have to wait on since I've stil got use for it.

This weekend, I decided to conclude this particular conversation, the easiest way. Do what I wanted to do with the yarn and give it to her. It's a lovely color way, I'll admit that, but now that I'm working on it, I have to admit, I don't like it. I've been working with natural fibers for so long now that this synthetic feels icky in my hand and I wonder if I'd feel the same when I wear it. Though, I can't give in to the sister and give it all to her........... what a quandry, to act like a sister or a rational adult? And maybe I won't hate it when it's done anyway.

The yarn was purchased during my e-bay craziness. At a time when I felt financial stress and so a cheap price looked like a great deal that I couldn't pass up. And I bought whatever I could get my hands on that was cheap. This particular yarn seems to be intended as a rug or craft yarn. It's thick, made of nylon and is on a very large cone-- were talking 5-7#s here. I'm sure that my indecision will cause me to continue to move forward. It's not like I don't rip out sweaters............ who knows, maybe I'll be in desperate need of a welcome mat someday.

Oh look, another sock.


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